upcoming and past events
EVENTS - 2025
February 10 + 11: Workshops on Noticing at HS Lucerne
March 29: CAOUTCHOUC LIVE on the BBC New Music Show
April 16 : Berlin, Solo Set @ Experimentik
May 02: Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik premiere for Musikfabrik #filters.
July 22-26: Klexos Lab Workshops + Premiere for sax quartet, Spain.
August 22, 2025: Lucerne Festival w/ Exquisite Peanut - monodrama premiere for Winnie Huang
October 14, 2025: Dampfzentrale, Bern CH - new premiere for small ensemble with Proton Bern
30.11.24 - Berlin, DE -KM28 CAOUTCHOUC - “Les Castors”, + Dina Maccabee’s “Under Achiever”
28.11.24 - Geneva, CH - Lex Madone debut of CAOUTCHOUC - “Les Castors” with Serge Vuille
10-12.10.24 - Osijek, HR - Novalis Festival - solo performance + mentor (with Marko Ciciliani + Mladen Tarbuk)
25.09.24 - Berlin, DE: @KM28 Apparat + Series w/ Ensemble Apparat + Max Eilbacher
17.09.24 - Oslo, NO: Ultima Festival - Murder Ballads Volume II: w/Pinquins, Inga Margrete Aas & Emilia Dorr
13/14.07.24 - Zürich CH << Semi-Closed =Circuit >>- Premiere with Ensemble Tzara and Constantin Basica (video)
13.06.24 - Berlin DE @ KM28, solo set + performance of “Jesus Fucking Christ Linda, Jesus Fucking Christ” by p.e.r.s.o.n.a.l.c.l.u.t.t.e.r.
22.05.24 - Aarhus, DK: SPOR Festival - Murder Ballads Volume II: w/Pinquins, Inga Margrete Aas & Emilia Dorr
05.04.2024. - Troy NY << Susceptible Chambers >> performance, EMPAC
09.03.24 - Berlin, DE - solo set, violin + electronics - w/ Ane Marthe Sorlien Holen + Simon Løffler @KM28
21.10.23 Donaueschingen Musiktage Premiere of Murder Ballads Vol. II: The Positive Reinforcement Campaign w/ Pinquins & Inga Margrete Aas
25.10.23. Plus Minus Ensemble @ UNESCO Week of Sound, Edinburgh
27.10.23. Plus Minus Ensemble @ The Lab, Birmingham, UK
29.10.23. Plus Minus Ensemble @ Cafe Oto, London UK
15.11.23. Minu Festival for Expanded Music : Premiere of A Host of Possible Dramas and Exchanges: The Lamb of Tartary for Andreas Borregaard @ Xenon
16.11.23 Minu Festival for Expanded Music: Solo Performance w/ Weston Olencki solo set. @ Xenon
16.11/12.23 p.e.r.s.o.n.a.l.c.l.u.t.t.e.r performs Jesus Fucking Christ Lina @ Fruitmarket, Edinburgh
18.11.23. Minu Festival for Expanded Music : Plus Minus Ensemble, @ Ku.Be
21.10.2023. -<< Donaueschingen Musiktage - Murder Ballads Volume 2 >> Premiere! w/ Pinquins and Inga Margrete Aas Strawinsky Saal, Donaueschingen, DE
29.04.23, Keith Rowe Festival, Berlin - Solo Performance, Tribute to Keith Rowe, @KM28, Karl-Marx Strasse 28 12/13/14/18./19/22.01.23 - Zürich CH << Eight Songs for a Mad Kingdom >> w/ox und öl, Sogar Theater
Dec. 15-19 Berlin - Labyrinth, LOUDSOFT! Radial System Berlin
Nov. 3 - Köln - “An Ideal Hour” w/ Pony Says @ Rufffactory
Oct. 1 - Berlin- Sam Stoll, Jessie Marino and Yiran Zhao <<New Piece>> “Hootenanie” @ ACUD MACHT NEU
Sept.24 - Strasbourg, Festival Musica <<New Piece>> “My Heart has Teeth” for Mathilde Barthélemy and Charlotte Testu
Sept. 22 - Berlin Kontakte Festival, “An Ideal Hour” w/ Pony Says Akademie Der Künste Berlin
Sept. 11 - Berlin - Y-E-S Festival - Solo Performance
Aug. 18-21 Melbourne/Naarm - << A Dream of Flight>> For Speak Percussion @ Art House Melbourne with Bronwyn Pringle (Lighting Design)
May 15 - Berlin - “An Ideal Hour” w/ Pony Says @ KM28
May 08 -Berlin - LOOKOUT! w/ KontraKlang Berlin
Feb. 08 - London “ Jesus Christ Linda” Personal Clutter @ Iklectik
Feb. 04 Stuttgart - “An Ideal Hour” Eclat Festival w/ Pony Says : Eclat Hybrid
Dec. 23 Berlin. The Bottle Episode w/ Ensemble Adapter: Radial System
Nov. 19. Luxembourg Rainy Days Festival w/ Ensemble Adapter : The Bottle Episode
Oct. 29 Hamburg Decoder Ensemble - 10 Year Anniversary Celebration: and I’ll be there with you (World Premiere!)
Oct. 23 Leuven Transit Festival, with RCA Guitar Ensemble + Thomas R. Moore : six to five
Sept. 11 Hamburg Festival für Immaterielle Kunst, @ Kampnagel: G.I.S.S.
May 2-4 Antwerp “Framing the Normal” Conference/Online Performances
March Zürich.Artist in Residence w/ Ox & Öl + Oliver Meier, Sogar Theater: 8 Songs for a Mad Kingdom
Jan-April Winterthur Villa Sträuli Artist in Residence